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Google’s “Web Integrity” Android API could kill “alternative” media clients

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  • Post last modified:7 November 2023
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Google recently announced a new Android API called “Web Integrity”. This API is designed to help developers create more secure and reliable web browsing experiences. However, some experts are concerned that the API could also be used to kill “alternative” media clients.

What is the Google Web Integrity API?

The Web Integrity API is a new set of tools and APIs that developers can use to create more secure and reliable web browsing experiences. The API provides developers with a way to verify the integrity of web pages and to protect users from malicious websites.

How does the Google Web Integrity API work?

The Web Integrity API works by using a variety of techniques to verify the integrity of web pages. These techniques include:

  • Checking the digital signature of the web page: The Web Integrity API can check the digital signature of a web page to verify that it has not been tampered with.
  • Checking the origin of the web page: The Web Integrity API can check the origin of a web page to verify that it is from a trusted source.
  • Checking the content of the web page: The Web Integrity API can check the content of a web page to verify that it is safe and reliable.

How could the Web Integrity API be used to kill “alternative” media clients?

Some experts are concerned that the Web Integrity API could be used to kill “alternative” media clients. Alternative media clients are apps that allow users to access news and information from sources other than Google.

Google could use the Web Integrity API to block alternative media clients from accessing certain websites. This would make it difficult for users to access news and information from sources other than Google.

Why would Google want to kill “alternative” media clients?

There are a few reasons why Google might want to kill alternative media clients.

First, alternative media clients are a threat to Google’s monopoly on the news and information market. Google makes a lot of money from advertising, and alternative media clients could reduce the amount of traffic that goes to Google’s website.

Second, alternative media clients can be used to spread misinformation. Google is under pressure to do more to combat misinformation, and killing alternative media clients would be one way to do that.

What can be done to stop Google from killing “alternative” media clients?

There are a few things that can be done to stop Google from killing alternative media clients.

First, users can support alternative media clients by using them and donating to them. This will help to ensure that alternative media clients have the resources they need to continue operating.

Second, users can advocate for laws and regulations that protect alternative media clients. For example, users could demand that Google be required to allow alternative media clients to access all websites.

Why alternative media clients are important

Alternative media clients are important because they provide users with access to news and information from a variety of sources. This is important because it ensures that users are not limited to getting their news from a single source.

Alternative media clients can also be used to challenge the status quo. They can provide a platform for dissenting voices and can help to hold powerful institutions accountable.

What users can do to protect alternative media clients

There are a few things that users can do to protect alternative media clients.

  • Use alternative media clients: The best way to protect alternative media clients is to use them. If more people use alternative media clients, it will make it more difficult for Google to kill them.
  • Donate to alternative media clients: Many alternative media clients are non-profit organizations. Users can donate to these organizations to help them continue operating.
  • Advocate for laws and regulations that protect alternative media clients: Users can contact their elected representatives and demand that they pass laws and regulations that protect alternative media clients.


The Web Integrity API is a new Android API that is designed to help developers create more secure and reliable web browsing experiences. However, some experts are concerned that the API could also be used to kill “alternative” media clients.

It is important to be aware of the potential risks of the Web Integrity API and to take steps to protect alternative media clients. Users can support alternative media clients by using them and donating to them. Users can also advocate for laws and regulations that protect alternative media clients.

In addition to the above, users can also take the following steps to protect alternative media clients:

  • Keep their software up to date: Software developers are constantly releasing updates to their software to patch security vulnerabilities. Users should make sure to keep their software up to date to protect themselves from malicious attacks.
  • Use a VPN: A VPN encrypts your traffic and hides your IP address, making it more difficult for Google to track your activity.
  • Use a privacy-focused browser: There are a number of privacy-focused browsers available, such as Brave and DuckDuckGo. These browsers can help to protect your privacy from Google and other companies.

It is also important to note that Google is not the only company that is developing APIs that could be used to kill alternative media clients. Other companies, such as Apple and Facebook, are also developing similar APIs. Users should be aware of the potential risks of these APIs and take steps to protect themselves.

By taking the steps above, users can help to protect alternative media clients and ensure that they have access to a variety of news and information sources.

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