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What type of software accepts text as input and produces speech as output?

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  • Post last modified:10 November 2023
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Text-to-speech software (TTS) is a type of software that can convert digital text into audio speech. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as reading aloud ebooks and articles, creating audiobooks, and providing accessibility options for people with visual impairments.

TTS software uses a variety of techniques to generate speech. Some systems use a rule-based approach, where they break down the text into individual phonemes (the smallest units of sound in a language) and then generate speech by concatenating those phonemes together. Other systems use a statistical approach, where they have been trained on a large corpus of text and audio recordings. This allows them to generate speech that sounds more natural and expressive.

TTS software is available in a variety of forms, including desktop applications, web-based services, and mobile apps. Some TTS software is free to use, while others require a subscription or fee.

How does TTS software work?

TTS software typically works by following these steps:

  1. The text is converted into a phonetic representation. This is done by breaking the text down into its individual phonemes.
  2. The phonetic representation is converted into a waveform. This is done by looking up each phoneme in a database of speech waveforms.
  3. The waveform is played back through the computer’s audio system. This results in the speech being played aloud.

Types of TTS software

There are two main types of TTS software:

  • Rule-based TTS software: This type of software uses a set of rules to convert text into speech. The rules are based on the pronunciation of the language being used.
  • Statistical TTS software: This type of software uses a statistical model to convert text into speech. The model has been trained on a large corpus of text and audio recordings. This allows the software to generate speech that sounds more natural and expressive.

Applications of TTS software

TTS software can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Reading aloud ebooks and articles: TTS software can be used to read aloud ebooks and articles, making them more accessible to people with visual impairments.
  • Creating audiobooks: TTS software can be used to create audiobooks from digital text. This can be a cost-effective way to create audiobooks, especially for short books or self-published books.
  • Providing accessibility options: TTS software can be used to provide accessibility options for people with visual impairments. For example, TTS software can be used to read aloud the text on websites and in mobile apps.
  • Generating synthetic speech for chatbots and virtual assistants: TTS software can be used to generate synthetic speech for chatbots and virtual assistants. This allows them to communicate with users in a more natural way.

Examples of TTS software

Here are some examples of popular TTS software:

  • NaturalReader: NaturalReader is a desktop TTS application that is available for Windows and Mac. It supports a wide range of languages and voices.
  • Voice Dream Reader: Voice Dream Reader is a mobile TTS app that is available for iOS and Android. It supports a wide range of languages and voices, and it also includes features such as text highlighting and annotation.
  • Google Cloud Text-to-Speech: Google Cloud Text-to-Speech is a web-based TTS service that is available as part of the Google Cloud Platform. It supports a wide range of languages and voices, and it can be used to generate speech in a variety of formats, including MP3, WAV, and OGG.
  • Amazon Polly: Amazon Polly is a web-based TTS service that is available as part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. It supports a wide range of languages and voices, and it can be used to generate speech in a variety of formats, including MP3, WAV, and OGG.

Benefits of using TTS software

TTS software offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Accessibility: TTS software can make digital content more accessible to people with visual impairments.
  • Convenience: TTS software can be used to listen to digital content while you are doing other things, such as driving or exercising.
  • Efficiency: TTS software can help you to read through digital content more quickly.
  • Creativity: TTS software can be used to create audiobooks, podcasts, and other audio content.


TTS software is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. It can make digital content more accessible, convenient, efficient, and creative.

Table of TTS software

Voice Dream ReaderMobile50+50+Paid
Google Cloud Text-to-SpeechWeb-based120+120+Pay-as-you-go
Amazon PollyWeb-based26+26+Pay-as-you-go

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